1. Gridnev S.A., Shuvalov L.A., Kudrjash V.I. Apparatus for the study of physical properties of ferroelastics / In book: Ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials and their applications. - Moscow: MDNTP, 1978, p. 94-98. (in Russian)
  2. Gridnev S.A., Prasolov B.N., Kudrjash V.I. The study of anisotropy of elastic constants in the vicinity of phase transition of KH3(SeO3)2 crystals / Collection: Physics of dielectrics and new fields of their application. - Karaganda, 1978, p. 131-132. (in Russian)
  3. Gridnev S.A., Popov V.M., Pavlova N.G. Low frequency mechanical and dielectric relaxation in crystals of strontium niobate and solid solutions / Collection: Physics of dielectrics and new fields of their application. - Karaganda, 1978, p. 105-106. (in Russian)
  4. Gridnev S.A., Darinskii B.M., Fedosov V.N. Mechanism of anomalous electrical resistivity in the region of phase transition of barium titanate // Ferroelectrics, 1978, v.18, N 1-3, p. 51-54.
  5. Gridnev S.A., Postnikov V.S., Prasolov B.N., Turkov S.K. Attenuation of elastic oscillations in lithium niobate at low frequencies // Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 1978, v. 20, N 5, p. 1299-1303. (in Russian)
  6. Postnikov V.S., Gridnev S.A., Prasolov B.N., Turkov S.K. Specific features of low-frequency sound attenuation in LiNbO3 poly- and single-domain crystals // Phys. Stat. Sol. , 1978, v. 47(a), p. 65-69.
  7. Gridnev S.A. The study of real structure of ferroelectrics by internal friction method / In book: Actual problems of modern physics of ferroelectrics. - Kalinin, 1978, p. 142-164. (in Russian)
  8. Gridnev S.A., Darinskii B.M. Attenuation of low-frequency elastic oscillations in KH2PO4-type ferroelectric crystals // Phys. Stat.Sol.(a), 1978, v.47, p. 379-384.
  9. Milovidova S.D., Burdanina N.A., Kamysheva L.N., Gridnev S.A., Verkhovetz A.K., Starodubtseva N.A., Yushina E.N. Electrical properties of TGS crystals doped with a -alanine / In book: Ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics. - Kalinin: KGU, 1978, p. 62-69.
  10. Gridnev S.A., Postnikov V.S., Prasolov B.N., Shuvalov L.A. Fluctuation internal friction in improper ferroelectric Gd2(MoO4)3 / In book: Internal friction in metals, semiconductors and dielectrics. - Moscow: Nauka, 1978, p. 213-216. (in Russian)
  11. Gridnev S.A., Postnikov V.S., Prasolov B.N., Gorbachev A.V. Internal friction maximum in lithium niobate near / In book: Internal friction in metals, semiconductors and dielectrics. - Moscow: Nauka, 1978, p. 216-220. (in Russian)
  12. Gridnev S.A., Postnikov V.S., Prasolov B.N., Shuvalov L.A., Fedosyuk R,M. Attenuation of low-frequency elastic oscillations in ferroelastic KH3(SeO3)// Ferroelectrics, 1978, v. 21, N 1-4, p. 597-599.
  13. Gridnev S.A., Darinskii B.M., Fedosov V.N. Contribution of domain wall dynamics to dielectric permittivity of ferroelectrics near the Curie point // Fiz.Khim.Obrab.Mater.,1979, N 1, p. 117-120. (in Russian)
  14. Bondarenko V.V., Gridnev S.A., Shuvalov L.A. Dielectric properties of ammonium trihydroselenite crystals in the temperature interval 5,8-300 E / In book: Physics of dielectrics and semiconductors. - Volgograd, 1978, p. 51-53. (in Russian)
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