1. Gridnev S.A., Darinskii B.M., Kudrjash V.I., Prasolov B.N., Shuvalov L.A. Internal friction during switching of KH3(SeO3)2 // Fiz.Tverd.Tela, 1982, v.24, N 1, p. 217-221. (in Russian)
  2. Gridnev S.A., Konobeev V.V. Peculiarities of low frequency internal friction in the nematic liquid crystal PAA // Kristallografiya, 1982, v. 27, N2, p. 397-399. (in Russian)
  3. Anisimova V.N., Baranov A.I., Gridnev S.A., Prasolov B.N., Shuvalov L.A. Comparison of sensitivity of KH3(SeO3)2 to the action of X-ray and g -irradiation // Kristallografiya, 1982, v. 27, N4, p. 800-802. (in Russian)
  4. Gridnev S.A., Darinskii B.M., Netchaev V.N. Influence of electron conductivity on internal friction of semiconductive barium titanate // Ferroelectrics, 1982, v. 46, N 1/2 , p. 5-11.
  5. Bondarenko V.V., Gridnev S.A., Shuvalov L.A. Study of ferroelastic phase transition in NaH3(SeO3)2 by low frequency internal friction method / In book: Ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics. - Kalinin, 1982, p. 10-13. (in Russian)
  6. Gridnev S.A., Dronov I.A. Elastic properties of barium-sodium niobate / / In book: Ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics. - Kalinin, 1982, p. 35-39. (in Russian)
  7. Gridnev S.A., Barmina N.V., Pavlova N.G., Parfenova N.N., Smirnova E.P. Solid solutions based on lead-barium metaniobate // Izv. AN SSSR, Ser.Neorg.Mater., 1982, v. 18, N 10, p. 1632-1635. (in Russian)
  8. Gridnev S.A., Prasolov B.N., Darinskii B.M. Mechanism of low frequency losses in improper ferroelectrics Gd2(MoO4)3 / In book: Internal friction in metals and inorganic materials. - Moscow: Nauka, 1982, p. 175-180. (in Russian)
  9. Gridnev S.A., Darinskii B.M., Nechaev V.N., Popov V.M. Mechanism of low frequency dielectric losses near the second-order phase transitions / In book: Dielectrics and semiconductors. - Kiev: Vischa shkola, 1982, p. 3-6. (in Russian)
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