1.  S.A. Gridnev and A.V. Kalgin.  Mutual doping of components in magnetoelectric particulatePbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 – Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 composite // Phys. Stat. Sol. (b), 2010. V. 247. №7. P. 1769-1772. 
  2.   S. A. Gridnev and A. V. Kalgin. Inverse magnetoelectric effect in two-layer PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 - Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 composite // Ferroelectrics, 2010. V.397.  P.128-134. 
  3.  S.A.Gridnev, A.P. Chumakov, and A.V. Kalgin. Internal friction and shear modulus behavior in new lead-free BiMe2/3Sb1/3O3 (Me = Co, Mg, Ni, Zn) ceramics // Ferroelectrics, 2010. V.397. P.177-184. 
  4.  S.А. Gridnev, А.V.  Kalgin, А.А. Аmirov, and I.K. Kamilov. Мagnetic and magnetoelectric properties of particulate (х)PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 – (1-х)Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 composites // Ferroelectrics, 2010. V.397. P.142-150. 
  5.  S.А. Gridnev, N.A. Tolstykh, N.V. Volodin. Dielectric and acoustic properties of novel lead-free ceramic BiLi0,6W0,4O3 // Izvestiya RAN, Ser. fiz., 2010. V.74.  № 9.  P.1315-1318. 
  6. S.А. Gridnev, A.G. Gorshkov, E.S. Grigoriev, Yu.E. Kalinin. Magnetoelectric effect in layer nickel-zinc ferrite – lead zirconate-titanate composites // Izvestiya RAN, Ser. fiz., 2010. V.74. № 9. P. 1328-1332. 
  7. S.A. Gridnev, A.V. Kalgin, D.A. Lisitskiy. Phase transitions in new lead-free BiLi0,5Sb0,5O3 ceramics // Ferroelectrics, 2010. V.399. P.89-94.
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