1. Gridnev S.A., Popov V.M., Pavlova N.G. Dielectric and mechanical relaxation in solid solutions based on strontium pyroniobate // 7-th Science-Technical Conf. “Electrical relaxation and electret effect in solid dielectrics”, Moscow, MIEM, February 5-8, 1979.
  2. Gridnev S.A., Bondarenko V.V. Relaxation of polarization in the region of diffuse phase transition of TGS crystals doped with alanine // 7-th Science-Technical Conf. “Electrical relaxation and electret effect in solid dielectrics”, Moscow, MIEM, February 5-8, 1979.
  3. Gridnev S.A., Prasolov B.N. Mechanisms of low frequency mechanical losses in improper ferroelectric Gd2(MoO4)3 // 9-th All-Union Conf. on Ferroelectricity, Rostov-on-Don, September 24-26, 1979.
  4. Gridnev S.A., Kudrjash V.I., Shuvalov L.A. Relaxation of domain walls in ferroelastic KD3(SeO3)2 // 9-th All-Union Conf. on Ferroelectricity, Rostov-on-Don, September 24-26, 1979.
  5. Gridnev S.A. Torsion pendulum and its using for study of ferroelectrics materials // Science-Technical Seminar “New piezoactive materials and their application in the ultrasonic technique”, Leningrad, LDNTP, November 27-28, 1979.
  6. Gridnev S.A., Kudrjash V.I., Shuvalov L.A. Shape memory effect in pure proper ferroelastic KH3(SeO3)2 // Science-Technical Seminar “Dielectric apparatuses for national economy”, Moscow, MDNTP, November 21-22, 1979.
  7. Gridnev S.A., Kudrjash V.I., Shuvalov L.A. Mechanical nonlinearity in feroelastics KH3(SeO3)2 and KD3(SeO3)2 , related to domain wall movement // All-Union Seminar on mechanisms of internal friction in solids, Kutaisi, October 29-31, 1979.
  8. Gridnev S.A., Postnikov V.S., Prasolov B.N., Shuvalov L.A. A nature of internal friction maximum near the ferroelastic phase transition in K(HxD1-x)3(SeO3)2crystals // All-Union Seminar on mechanisms of internal friction in solids, Kutaisi, October 29-31, 1979.
  9. Gridnev S.A., Kudrjash V.I., Prasolov B.N., Shuvalov L.A. Peculiarities of internal friction in K(DxH1-x)3(SeO3)2 crystals // 4-th European Conf. on Ferroelectricity, Portoroz, September 3-7, 1979.
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