1. Gridnev S.A., Kalgin A.V. Phase transition in magnetoelectric composites xPbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 – (1-x)Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4 // Fiz. Tverd. Tela. 2009. V.51. N 8. P.1378-1381.
  2. Gridnev S.A., Kalinin Yu.E., Kalgin A.V., Grigoriev E.S. Magnetoelectric effect in layer composites PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 - Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4  // Physics and chemistry of  surfaces and protection of materials, 2009. V.45. № 5.  P. 529-533.
  3.  Gridnev S.A., Gorshkov A.G., Korolevskaya O.N. Magnetic, ferroelectric, elastic and anelastic properties of composites (x)Ni0,4Zn0,6Fe2O4 – (1-x)Pb0,95Sr0,05Zr0,53Ti0,47O3 // Fiz. Tverd. Tela. 2009. V.51. N 8. P. 1464-1467.
  4.  Gridnev S.A., Kalgin A.V., Chernykh V.A. Magnetodielectric effect in two layer magnetoelectric PZT-MZF composite // Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2009. V.109.  P.70-75.
  5.  Gridnev S.A., Kalgin A.V., Lisitsky D.A. Dielectric properties of new BiLi0,5Sb0,5O3 ceramics //  Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2009. V.109.  P.61-69.
  6.  Korolevskaya O.N., Gorshkov A.G., Gridnev S.A. Magnetoelectric interaction in particulate ferrite-ferroelectric composites // Proceedings of the best scientific works of students and post-graduate students of VSTU.Voronezh: VSTU, 2009. P.131-132.
  7. Lisitsky D.A., Kalgin A.V., Gridnev S.A. Dielectric, mechanical and thermal properties of novel ferroic BiLi0.5Sb0.5O3 // Proceedings of the best scientific works of students and post-graduate students of VSTU.Voronezh: VSTU, 2009. P.133-136.
  8.  Kalgin A.V., Chernykh V.A., Gridnev S.A. Механизмы, ответственные за смещение сегнетоэлектрического и магнитного фазовых переходов в композите PbZr0.53Ti0.47O3 - Mn0.4Zn0.6Fe2O4  // Proceedings of the best scientific works of students and post-graduate students of VSTU.Voronezh: VSTU, 2009. P.137-140.
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